Tema 09 - Music box , por Mike Vlcek

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Music Box é uma homenagem àquela caixinha de música amarela que embalava meu sono nos primeiros dias, meses, anos. Hoje uma lembrança distante, mas eternamente presente na minha linha contínua da vida. Junto com a caixinha, os sonhos que foram se formando e se apagando. Music Box é um tributo ao finito.


Music Box

When I was a child it's been a while now
I used to play
that old music box
and boy I fell asleep
but now it seems I dreamt for twenty years
and I can still hear the melody
um hum

Will you turn the lights off when you leave?
I don't wanna be alone tonight

Staring at the ceiling of my bedroom
counting fading stars
wish they were for real
and boy I flew so high
between the moons and rings that one day defined
the place I wanted to reach
but could never find

Would you turn the lights off when you leave?
I don't wanna be alone tonight

Will you turn the lights off when you leave?
I will never be alone tonight

Would you turn the lights off when you leave?
I just want to be alone tonight

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